'From the Boardroom to the Jailhouse - and most points in between' is how Robyn sums up her 30+year professional journey, as a Soft Skills Facilitator and Presenter. It is this wealth of ‘working at the coal face’, that has provided her with the depth, breadth, and expertise few speakers on 'Leadership' and 'Understanding Human Behaviour' can truly offer. This ranges from Government, Corporate and Small Business, through to some of our most vulnerable, including Suicide Prevention, People in Prison, Mental Health and Kids at Risk. Her repertoire includes Motivational and Keynote Speaker through to M.C., Moderator, Interviewer and Social Commentator. From 2006 to 2010, Robyn also produced and hosted 'Conversations with Robyn' which aired on Australian Community TV and Foxtel. Guests on CWR included some of the most well-known international teachers and authors on Human Development, Neuroscience, Quantum Physics and General Wellbeing, including Dr Joe Dispenza, Caroline Myss, Gregg Braden, Dr Bruce Lipton, Helen Reddy, Howard Martin and Olivia Newton-John. Episodes are on her YouTube channel www.youtube.com/robyncwr and include 15 filmed on Olivia's 'Great Walk to Beijing' in 2008. In summary, Robyn is a great advocate in focusing on potential solutions, rather than being fixated on the problems; thereby encouraging people to work as a T.E.A.M. whilst genuinely enjoying the process. Her major philosophies include 'We are all born with Innate Wisdom', regardless of our perceived outer differences, and therefore, 'as we know better we automatically begin to be and do better'. "At the end of the day, we will never know what we can achieve together - until we give it a go - together!!!!" So Not Rocket Science!!
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