Michael Staver

$25000 fixed price

Guest SpeakerProfessional speaker


Mike Staver is the author of “Leadership Isn’t for Cowards” and an internationally respected speaker, author, and coach. Mike takes noisy, often complex, leadership content and makes it immediately useful, digestible, and entertaining. In Mike's work, the goal is simple – helping leaders perform better and live better lives. To accomplish this, Mike uses counterintuitive perspectives, a storytelling style, and an entertaining delivery that makes the often-challenging realities of work and life easier to absorb and put into practice. Mike has degrees in Business Administration and Counseling Psychology. He is a Certified Speaking Professional and, in 2022, was inducted into the Speaker Hall of Fame. Companies from Federal Express and Miracle Ear to Leading Real Estate Companies of the World and the Mayo Clinic have repeatedly invited him to contribute to developing their leaders. Mike architected a training program ranked #1 by Training Magazine on their 2018 Training Top 125 list, which recognizes organizations with the most successful learning and development programs globally. That same program joined the Training Magazine Hall of Fame in 2019. In the last 30 years, Mike has influenced over 200,000 people in ways that have not only transformed thinking and action but improved results. His message is grounded in the belief that leadership is about influence regardless of position, title, or power. There’s more, but frankly….while all of that took a lot of work, the real work has been hard-earned over the last 30 years in the trenches of businesses from health care to high-end security and guiding clients through many business struggles. Mike has seen it all and has taken those experiences and used them to help others build better lives and careers.

20+ Years ExperiencePublic SpeakingTimelyConfidenceEnthusiasm

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