Jerry Grayson AFC

$6000 fixed price

Guest SpeakerProfessional speaker


Entertainer, Keynote Speaker and Author of Rescue Pilot & Film Pilot, Jerry Grayson AFC, is the most decorated helicopter pilot in peacetime. Jerry loves sharing his stories with his unique sense of humour - he calls himself; ‘just an ordinary bloke’. He was the youngest helicopter pilot to serve in the British Royal Navy’s Search and Rescue force. After a distinguished career, at the age of only 25 he was awarded the Air Force Cross (AFC) for outstanding gallantry by her late majesty, Queen Elizabeth II, and the Hellenic Nautical Medal first class by the Greek government. Since leaving the Navy, Jerry has become one of the world’s leading helicopter film pilots and film directors. He has been involved in challenging and dangerous missions – from filming the burning oilfields of Kuwait after Saddam Hussein’s first Gulf War, to rescuing sailors in the infamous Fastnet Yacht Race. As well as participating in nail biting rescue missions, Jerry has filmed extraordinarily diverse events from helicopters and drones, including the immediate aftermath of Hurricane Katrina, Sir Ridley Scott’s ‘Black Hawk Down’, the James Bond movie ‘A View to A Kill’ and the devastation after the Bushfires of Black Saturday. In business, he has also successfully navigated professional disruption brought about by digital and drone technology.


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  • RESCUE PILOT and FILM PILOT signed books$50


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